Why choose an open source communication solution?

open source communication

The success of Wazo’s mission revolves around three main technological pillars: an open, hybrid, and programmable approach. Let’s find out here what openness means for Wazo and the benefits you can expect from an open source communication solution.

Software-defined economy

He’s everywhere. You interact with all the time. Whether it’s in your car, on your phone, or at your house. Software is at the heart of our existence. And it is software that determines the success, agility, and competitiveness of organizations. Whole sectors of our economy are being disrupted by companies with a software culture, the so-called “digital natives”. The ones that support and facilitate our daily life belong to this category, in sectors as varied as mobility, banking, tourism, health, and education. As Marc Andreessen was already claiming in 2011, “Software is eating the world

But how have these organizations been able to profoundly transform industries and usages? We have already mentioned this, thanks to a software-centric approach. But this answer is partial. The reality is different. Open source software has been the real driving force behind this transformation. Google, Uber, Amazon or AirBnb could not exist without massive use of open source software. Thus, about 10 years after M. Andreessen articles, TechCrunch describes “How open source software took over the world“. It’s now open source that is eating software 🙂

A world powered by Open Source

Open technologies are disrupting all IT services to provide users with innovative products. Whether we are talking about infrastructure, application server, operating system, they are ubiquitous. Mostly hidden to users, they are the vector of innovation of the last 20 years and are becoming a standard. They allow organizations to have solid and scalable functional bricks at their disposal. They offer everyone the opportunity to contribute, in all transparency, to the improvement of common knowledge.

This is our choice! To build on this common knowledge and to contribute to it. To build open solutions, solutions using technological standards, for the benefit of all. 

Open source communication, what difference does it make? 

How can open source impact your business? Help you better serve your customers? What are the key benefits offered by open source communication solutions? 

Here are some of the advantages you can get from Wazo solutions, built with an open source development philosophy. 

  • Contribution: “Sorry, it’s not in the editor’s roadmap…” We’ve all faced this frustrating situation. But the needs of your business and your customers cannot be dependent on a technology partner. Open source allows you to freely contribute to the development of your solution. Therefore, you can freely adapt it to your business constraints and challenges. 
  • Interoperability: Our goal is to provide you with all the flexibility and agility you need to build tomorrow’s communication solutions and experiences. We do not wish to lock you into a specific environment and software. The use of open standards ensures the interoperability of our solutions with different software, applications, and hardware.
  • Reversibility: Open Source is the best answer to your reversibility needs and ensures the sustainability of your investments. Indeed, the source code of the various components of our platform is available and downloadable online. You are thus free to emancipate yourself whenever you want. We want to work with us in the long term by choice and not out of spite.
  • Standardization: The use of open and standardized technologies and protocols simplifies the management of our solutions. You have a wealth of documentation and expertise widely available on the market. Our products are thus designed to be easily operable by a large technical population, in order to optimize operating costs.
  • Auditability: An Open Source development model ensures transparency. It is thus freely auditable. You just have to go to our GitHub and follow our work. The transparency of the source code is a guarantee of your security and the sovereignty of your technological choices. 

The openness of our solutions guarantees you flexibility, security and control in the use of technology. So if you want to explore open source communication, feel free to reach out.

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