The Y & Z generations, catalysts of digital transformation

Over the years, we have managed to classify the new (or old) generations by letters. Thus, those born in the 20th or 21st century follow one another in a disordered alphabetical order. But what is the impact of these different generations on the corporate structure and organization? How do the Y & Z generations contribute to their digital transformation?

Today, sociologists agree on 4 types of generations:

  • the Baby Boomers, people born between 1946 and 1965,
  • generation x, between 1965 and 1980,
  • the y generation, between 1980 and 2000,
  • the z generation, from the year 2000 onwards

Beyond generational literacy, what is interesting is that this classification has been thought out in correlation with technological developments. Developments that have led to a transformation in the functioning and value system of society (human and business).

A quick portrait of the value system of these generations 

1/ Baby boomers: Diligent and loyal to their employers. They know how to work hard. They expect to be paid in proportion to their effort and their contribution to the country’s recovery after the war.

2/ Gen X: Work is at the heart of their preoccupation. This generation is self-centered, stressed, and adapts less easily to new situations for fear of losing their jobs. On the other hand, they are involved in their companies, assume responsibilities, and take many initiatives.

3/ Gen Y: Also grouped under the term “millennials”, stars of our new world because “Digital native”… Work is no longer at the centre of everything. Generation Y is constantly looking for its place (Y for Why?), the best place. While they are reluctant in front of authority, the millennials are in return sociable, communicate and share easily.

4/ Gen Z: Still teenagers for the most part, they are not yet completely arrived on the market, but will in turn largely come to shake it up. Why is this? This generation is considered the “silent” generation. Technology dominates their daily lives and they don’t know how to live without it. The Internet is their main communication tool whether in the private or at work. They are resolutely turned towards new media. 

Tomorrow, the Alphas…

Why is it important to understand their specificities? 

First, because all these generations cohabit (or will soon cohabit) within companies. And as for a roommate, it is essential in a company to pay attention to the expectations, mode of operation, and value system of each one. So that everything goes well. And therefore, that the company can continue (and perform) …

The main challenge for companies is undoubtedly to integrate and retain its youngest employees, the Y & Z generations. And among the elements in favor of retaining the youngest employees are the freedom left in the organization of tasks, the working environment, the need for flexible working hours, communication, etc. 

In constant search for information & innovation, they are driving forces in the digital transformation of companies. They should not be siloed. These generations make EVERYTHING possible as soon as the foundations for communication, collaboration, innovation, and co-construction are established in the company.

So why pamper them: for their willingness to stimulate change! 

The importance of building business transformation with the new generations.

The younger generation is forcing companies to question their organization and management system. But not only that. The company must also review its communication and collaboration system. Equipping itself with digital tools that are accessible to everyone, anytime, from anywhere. The famous digital transformation 😉

Employees want to be able to work efficiently when they want to, from where they want to. The office is no longer the sacred temple of efficiency!

Therefore, by listening to them, it is possible to draw the lines of tomorrow’s company.

Driven by their culture of entrepreneurship and innovation, these new generations expect their company to nurture them. They are looking for organizations capable of putting in place a technological base enabling them to flourish in collective intelligence: freedom, exchanges, and creativity

A PWC study shows that new generations expect technologies to support them in their private lives and to facilitate and accelerate communication and innovation in the workplace. These hyper-connected people want to be able to use a range of tools (social networks, instant messaging, video, etc.) to communicate instantaneously with their colleagues and boss.

Of course, this applies to innovative tools as a means of exchange and communication, but more generally to tools for development: online training, self-training, MOOC, Serious games, etc.

The Y & Z generations, driving digital transformation

To meet this challenge, companies need to offer more strategic, integrated, and user-friendly collaboration tools. All-in-one solutions unified around audio, web, and video functionalities. Platforms that meet the need for simplicity and interoperability between different business tools and communication systems.

  • A unified and shared workspace
  • business tools that are accessible at all times, on any device
  • instant, fluid and intuitive exchanges
  • simple and collaborative information and documentation management
  • virtual meetings via audio and video conferencing
  • interoperability between their applications for greater productivity

So yes, the digital transformation of companies has been talked about for many years. These new generations are now forcing us to question the models inherited from the past, which are considered absurd and obsolete. Under their impetus and creativity, companies are being driven to make their own revolution.

Unified communications is one of the answers, although the transformation is not just about tools, but also about a change of mindset. If you want to know more and discuss your communication challenges, please contact us.

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